Our Place ご宿泊予約

Vacation house 月 Yueについて

The house is recently remodeled, and it is fully furnished with retro Western-Japanese furniture. There are built-in kitchen, television, washing machine, etc. The house is completely private (no share) and it can comfortably host up to 4 guests.


We stock our house with all the necessities: coffee/tea, variety of cooking utensils, condiments, dinnerwares, paper towels, garbage bags, liquid dish soap, bath products, towels, clean linens, cleaning products, laundry products, toilet paper, tissues, iron & ironing board, stationeries, first aid box, etc. We have washing machine for laundry as well. There are pretty much everything you would need for a comfortable stay, so it feels very "homey" and you can pack light!


Self-Check-in, Self-Check-out style! - you do not need to see us when you check-in & out. The house key is inside the lockbox in the entrance. We would like to give our guests their privacy, but we are always available through phone call/texts, LINE, or Airbnb message;D

     Check-in time: anytime after 11 am

Check-out time: anytime before 11 am


There are two bicycles available for you - parked in the garden. Please park park them in the garden, and not on the street in front of the house. *If you need, we can prepare additional bicycles (1~2) for you, so please let us know in advance.


High speed, unlimited internet available at house. Please see the House INFO or the blue file on the table for the network name and password. **Also, a free portable Wi-Fi provided for guests who stay more than 7 days.


There is a parking spot available for one vehicle in front of the house (garden). There is another car (black car) usually parked there too, so when you park, please park it in the far left.


There are build-in kitchen, induction cooktop, cooking utensils, microwave, dinerwares, condiments, etc. - pretty much everything you need for cooking is available in our kitchen!

Also, there are some complimentary drinks, fruit jam, different kinds of condiments available in the refrigerator. Please feel free to use everything while you are here;D



◉ オール電化、セコムに加入しているので就寝時も安心です

◉ 無料駐車場1台有(家の前庭)




その他:徳島の月刊雑誌を用意してありますので観光の参考にどうぞ。 閑静な住宅街です。ご高齢の方が多いので、騒音、遅い時間の洗濯機はお控えください。



チェックイン時の立会は省略させていただきます。 質問等ありましたら、携帯又はLINE、メールなどで連絡を取り合って、滞在のお手伝いをさせていただきます。


ドライヤー、バスタオル/タオル、シャンプー/リンス/ボディーソープ ※歯ブラシ、くし、パジャマ等はございません




冷蔵庫、炊飯器、IH調理台、電子レンジ、オーブントースター、ホットプレート、ジューサー、ポット、たこ焼き機、カキ氷機、各種食器、調理器具全般、各種調味料、etc. (料理に必要な物はすべて揃っております)









Airbnbにてスーパーホストをいただきました!    We just earned Superhost status on Airbnb♪

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